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Benefits of Membership

In addition to ILEA being a recognised and well established association, customers and members benefit from its close links with a number of influential bodies.  For example ILEA is a member of the European Lift Association.  There is ILEA representation on all product related standards making committees at national and international level. 

How to Join

Companies wishing to apply for membership of ILEA are required to satisfy a range of criteria which are based on providing reassurance to customers when dealing with member companies. Details of these criteria can be found in the following section.

For entry to the association see article 5 of the articles of association which is highlighted below:


Membership - Article 5

The Association may admit to membership any sole trader, partnership, company or other organisation whose business involves the provision of equipment and/or services (excluding consultancy) connected with the industry and who meets the following conditions of membership:

  • Holds notified body certification;

  • Holds ISO 9000 certification (or equivalent);

  • Holds a tax clearance certificate;

  • Holds valid insurance; and

  • Holds a written health and safety policy.


to become a member of the association please forward  the above documents via return email or by post. Also please forward the relevant fee made out to the : Irish Lift and Escalator Association ISO 9001 certification must be awarded by a certification body approved by UKAS (the United Kingdom Accreditation Service) or a European certification body of equivalent status.

''Note:'' All new lifts are required to carry the CE mark as an indication of compliance with The Lifts Regulations and the European Directive 95/16/EC.

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Irish Lift & Escalator Association

Irish Lift & Escalator Association

12 Lower Hatch Street, Dublin DO2 R682

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